About the MTA Chapter Network

To create stronger more unified networks to promote medical tourism in various destinations across the globe.

However, each region of the world has unique peculiarities that differentiate it from other locales. Typically, those characteristics are better known by representatives or stakeholders actively working in each region. Local stakeholder involvement, alongside effective networking and consumer market penetration, is crucial to fulfill MTA’s global objectives.
The MTA has always maintained a chapter-based vision that relies heavily on a volunteer leadership structure. In order to meet the needs of its membership in each region, the MTA launched its official MTA Chapter Network in 2013. Each individual chapter has legal status and operates independently under the laws of its country.
The MTA will continue to develop regional chapters that provide networking & program development services while also emphasizing collaboration on specific research projects. Those projects are executed in collaboration with the International Healthcare Research Center (IHRC). MTA’s focus on volunteer engagement, local management, financial incentives, and active marketing are all critical to its chapter program success. In the face of a growing global industry centered around customer service and satisfaction, the importance local infrastructure can’t be overstated.