Announcement: Revolutionizing Medical Tourism with Mastercard and MTA →

Insurance & Buyer Offerings

The MTA works with and educates Buyers of Healthcare (insurance companies and employers) in the following areas:

  • Creating Education and Engagement solutions for your plan members

  • Identifying Centers of Excellence

  • Education and Assistance in Implementing Medical Tourism & International Patient Programs

  • Providing Material and Content to Employers for Employee Education

  • Familiarization Trips – Ability for Buyers of Healthcare to travel and see first-hand Centers of Excellence

  • Participation in the Global Medical Network Project – A collaboration between the MTA and the Global Benefits Association

  • Certification for Insurance and HR professionals in Medical Tourism and International Patient Services

  • Other Opportunities through the partnership between MTA and the Global Benefits Association, Global Benefits Magazine, and the Global Benefits Conference™(which are integrated with the MTA’s annual event)

  • Attendance to the World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress – Buyers of healthcare have the opportunity to attend for free; inquire today!

For More Information on our Hospital & Healthcare Provider Programs Please Contact contact us or Call US 561-791-2000